Centretown Parents' Daycare - Extended Care
Centretown Parents’ Daycare has worked alongside the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board for the past 40 years. We offer programs to families who require education and care outside of classroom hours.
Centretown Parents Daycare has both kindergarten (JK and SK combined) and school age (grades 1-6 combined) programs available if needed. The kindergarten program is offered in the kindergarten room, with the school age program being offered in the Centennial P.S. community room.
Our hours vary depending on the school calendar, however we are open for the full year. We offer full day care on days that classes are not available, which includes PA days, March Break and July and August. On days that students attend classes, we offer programming from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and from 3:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Our programs are licensed by the Ministry of Education and include both indoor and outdoor activities, nutritious snacks and opportunity for group or independent play and learning. We focus on belonging, engagement, expression and well-being, all components of an optimal learning environment and social development.
Our programs are open to all Centennial families. If you require help in covering childcare fees, you can contact the City of Ottawa to discuss childcare subsidy, or fill out an application on line. All families, full fee or subsidized, are asked to register with the City of Ottawa through the Childcare Registry and Waitlist (CCRAW). Please visit Ottawa.ca to register.
Please contact us by email at centcare1@gmail.com for more information or to apply for a space. We are currently unavailable by phone.
More information available at: www.centretowndaycare.com